Dossier French magazine Ciel & Espace: OVNIs, l’avis des astronomes
April 1992, article from the French astronomical magazine Ciel et Espace (
Link: Ciel & Espace dossier OVNIs
Special report on conferences with astronomers on unidentified aerial objects
Air Technical Intelligence Center Wright-Patterson Air Force Base,
J. Allen Hynek, August 6, 1952.
(Source: Project Blue Book archives,
Link: Download PDF
Report on a Survey of the Membership of the American Astronomical Society Concerning the UFO Problem
PETER A. STURROCK, 1994 Society for Scientific Exploration, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 1-45, 1994.
Link: Download PDF
UAP in the UK Air Defence Region: Volume 2 Project Condign.
Supporting Technical Point Papers covering topics relevant to an undersanding of the phenomena.
The Amateur astronomer and the UFO Phenomenon
Partial summary of the work of Mr Gert Herb on a query of several thousand amateur astronomers (1980). Courtesy of the CUFOS (Center for UFO studies,
Link: Herb report
Astronomer and UFOs
Tim Printy’ skeptical article (2006) on UFO reports from amateur astronomers.
Link: Tim Printy article
A statistical survey among Italian astronomical observatories (added Nov. 2011)
Pittella, Massimo, Source: UPIAR vol. 3 No. 1, 1978/79. Survey performed between the years 1977 and 1978 among the most important 14 astronomical and astrophysical observatories in Italy.
Link: PittellaUpiar
METEORS [3 parts PDF dossier (in French): Astronomers and UFOs (1986), Singular Meteors and Ufology(1994), These strange Meteors (1996)] (added July 2013)
Marc Hallet
Under the generic title “Meteors”, a PDF file of three books that Marc Hallet published between 1986 and 1996. The purpose of these three books, which completed each other, was to show that contrary to what tell ufologists, meteors can take many different appearances and therefore can be misidentified as UFOs. Some researchers studying UFOs from the past have repetitively been mislead in the past.
[Astronomers and UFOs p3, Singular Meteors and Ufology p74, These strange Meteors p115]
link to Hallet’s Dropbox downloadable files “Meteores”: